Fashion, music, and mayhem...

So its been a while since I've blogged but I'm back now! <3

In every family there is at least one (if not more) who have absolutely no fashion sense. Even in my family there are two people who just fail at fashion. One would be my older brother, for example: yesterday he walks into the house in a Hawaiian shirt (gross!) paired with a plaid short. Now I love my brother but really, a pattern with a pattern? Very few people can pull that off and my brother is not one of them.

The other person in my family would be my mother. I honestly do not know how she raised two daughters who love fashion because my mother is a fashion disaster. Yesterday she asked me to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer, no big deal until I found a pair of jeans in the washer that were from the mid 1990's. They were my older sisters pants when she was like 12 or 13, my mom is still wearing them. My mother has this problem with us getting rid of our old clothes, she will go through the bags before we give them to goodwill and take what she doesn't want us to throw out and then she will continue to wear it. My mom has clothes that are probably older than me, she still has jackets with shoulder pads in them and she wears them in public. Its frustrating because I wish she would dress better because I have always found a correlation between looking nice and self-esteem. I love her but I wish she would care about her own look! <3

So the new edition of Vogue came out recently and I of course went and bought it the day it came out! I was so excited to see the preview of the fall collections the clothes look amazing! Especially the 1950's themed collection because it means this 1980's look is on its way out! I hate the 1980's look; it looked like crap in the 80's and I don't know who thought it would look any less crappy in the 2000's. That means leggings, ripped jeans, and huge baggy shirts are going out!!! This makes me so incredibly happy because it means that I will not be assaulted by these styles every time I go shopping. 

So the last two weeks in K-pop have been pretty amazing, lots of awesome music has been premiering and I will share a little bit of it with you! My favorites of the past two weeks: T.O.P. Turn It Up : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdPnMoxKOWY  This is an awesome song and T.O.P. is an extremely good looking Korean man, I love him!!!

Also this week Norazo released their first single, 카레 (Curry), off their fourth album, 환골탈태 (Vol.4 Hwangol Taltae). It starts slow but definitely gets to be hilarious after that. I love this video and song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-nllU2YfsE

Also a new girl group debuted recently that I really really like because they can ALL sing really well! Miss A is a JYP group and their debut single is 'Good girl, bad Girl'. They're awesome and I really like them and hope they will do really well!

And for my last pick, its not a new release though it is recently I think it came out a few weeks ago. While I hate the music video the song is so powerful. The artist G.E.M. Tang is a Chinese born singer and for her young age is extremely talented. This song, A.I.N.Y (Stands for 'Although I need you', but also sounds like I love you in mandarin 'wo ai ni' ) is very powerful and well written. Her original lyrics are beautiful and she has a very powerful/soulful voice! Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gaB9ov-Om0


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